Handling login events with Sentry and AngularJS

I added Sentry event tracking to RollCall this morning. As part of that I added some simple handling of login and logout events to set the current user in the Sentry meta data.

First we simple add Raven and - if we have a DSN set - configure it:

import Raven from 'raven-js';

// Load raven if configured
if (RAVEN_DSN) {
    .config(RAVEN_DSN, {
      release: GIT_COMMIT,
      environment: ENVIRONMENT
    .addPlugin(require('raven-js/plugins/angular'), angular)

There’s some minor sugar in there to add both the environment and current git commit. Both of these are set during the build process.

To wire up log in/out events I added this little service

class RavenService {
  constructor(user, $rootScope, Raven) {
    this.user = user;
    this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
    this.Raven = Raven;

  init() {
    this.$rootScope.$on('auth.login', this.handleLogin.bind(this));
    this.$rootScope.$on('auth.logout', this.handleLogout.bind(this));

    if (this.user && this.user.isLoggedIn) {

  handleLogin() {
      username: this.user.name,
      email: this.user.email,
      id: this.user.id

  handleLogout() {


export default RavenService;

And tied it all together in a simple module:

import Raven from 'raven-js';

// Load raven if configured
if (RAVEN_DSN) {
    .config(RAVEN_DSN, {
      release: GIT_COMMIT,
      environment: ENVIRONMENT
    .addPlugin(require('raven-js/plugins/angular'), angular)

let ravenModule = angular.module('app.raven', [

.factory('Raven', () => {
  return Raven;


.run(['ravenService', (ravenService) => {
  if (RAVEN_DSN) {


export default ravenModule;

A few things to note:

  • I’m calling ravenService.init() in a run() block because that way we know that user should be ready and we can check it starting state.
  • We already fire auth.login and auth.logout events elsewhere in our code so I know those just work.