Today is Blog action day… I only just discovered this thanks to bwagy… now what to contribute??
First up I’m currently working on a few related things: I work with Engineers WIthout Borders & I’m building a website for the Fair Trade Assocation.
But these seem like fairly minor contributions compared to the problem..
Poverty is such a big issue that we tend to just shut off when ever it comes up..
We don’t want to get present to whats really going on in the world..
Wake up!
We’re so busy trying to ignore the problem, we forget that small contributions eventually add up…
Everytime I see someone collecting money for an appeal - I think I should give them something… then I hesitate… by the time I’ve thought it through I’ve already walked past… ‘the chance is gone’ I tell myself..
It’s time to stop thinking, stop considering… start giving…
This isn’t just about poverty. It’s the environment, human rights, any other issue… we think we don’t make any difference so we don’t try..
Remember - ‘Eighty percent of success is showing up’ - The same applys for making a difference… show up, keep showing up… see what happens…